I've traveled to quite a few places in the world, but still have yet to see Africa, Australia and South America. The past year, with the occurrence of the economic downturn, a girl like me starts to look outside the box for other possibilities. This led me to think about Dubai. While the rest of the world struggles economically, this place is growing and bustling, and employment opportunities abound. My profession is alive and well there, with the many spas and health clubs, and with my experience and credentials, I'm sure I could get myself a good, lucrative spot over there somewhere.
The question is, would I really like it? I've heard that Dubai is a ball of contradictions. While the women their are said to be freer than women in any other part of the Middle East, in the stores they block out the images of women on the covers of magazines. A person used to being as free as me would surely encounter some conflict along the way. It's a lot to think about, deciding whether or not I could really make it over there. In the meantime, it's does seem interesting!
Costa Rica Next?
Costa Rica... I had the chance to go to there many years ago, but things didn't work out at the time, and I didn't get to make that trip. However, this place has stayed on my mind ever since! According to everyone that knows me well, Costa Rica was made for me! From all the "fitness in nature" activities, to pure adrenaline junkie stuff like zip lining and scuba diving, I think that it probably is.
I'm told that it's still reasonably cheap to visit here, too. My friends that have gone tell me it's one of the most beautiful destinations in the world. According to them, the price of goods is reasonable there, too. You eat quite well for very little money, and the American dollar still has a bit of punch in that place. I love going to places where I can have a good time without spending a fortune to do it.
Whenever I've gone to Europe, it's been pretty expensive. Going somewhere cheap would be nice for a change! ;) Hopefully this year sometime I will get my chance!